Mission, Vision & Values
Our mission, vision and values and our strategic goals have been reviewed to focus on what we believe is important for our future. Grantham College will, as always, endeavour to be true to its values and ensure we deliver on our mission: To deliver inspirational vocational, technical, professional and higher education and training that empowers people, businesses and the community to achieve their goals. Fundamentally we continue to strive to contribute to the economic prosperity and social cohesion of the communities we serve.
Our Mission
To deliver inspirational vocational, technical, professional, and higher education and training that empowers people, businesses, and the community to achieve their goals.
Our Vision
We will be an accessible, essential, relevant, and trusted partner that delivers improved skills & a love of lifelong learning leading to:
Our Core Values
Supportive – We will support & inspire others to achieve their goals, be positive & champion the joy of learning, inclusion & social mobility. We want our students to do well, be well and learn in a protective and safe environment.
Teamwork – we will take collective responsibility in delivering our mission and supporting each other. We commit to work with relevant partners, including employers, to deliver our mission.
Respect – for each other, valuing equality & diversity, respecting the environment. We commit to reducing waste & a careful management of scarce resources.
Innovation – we commit to adapt and develop our services to ensure they remain relevant to those we serve. We will embrace new technology that empowers people, businesses and the community to learn and achieve their goals.
Values Driven – we will always be focussed on our values, mission and the people we serve, doing our best to deliver value for money for them.
Excellence – We will strive for the highest standards & continuous improvement.
Accountability Statement 2023-2024